
Exploring Human Potential

Agents of Democracy

Mike Magee In the Age of “Doomscrolling,” Doctors and Nurses Need To Stay Focused On Their Primary Mission. Exactly 1 year ago, mental health experts alerted the medical world to their version of an assessment scale for yet another new condition – “doomscrolling.” As defined in the article, “Constant exposure to negative news on social […]

Planning for Evil vs. Planning for Goodness: Why Medicine Should Embrace the Social Sciences.

Mike Magee An article by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen in last week’s New York Times Sunday Review, “How Auschwitz Is Misunderstood”, created a dramatic contrast to an address I delivered a few days earlier at a New York liberal arts college titled “Closing The Empathy Gap: Leveraging Healthcare Relationships”. Goldhagan’s major point was that the widely […]

How The Ties Between Your Employer and Your Health Insurance Are Unraveling – and why that’s a good idea.

Mike Magee A series of highly publicized reports over the past few weeks have raised concerns that employer’s paternalistic involvement with your health and your health insurance is on a downslope. But is that really bad? Home Depot announced plans to shift 20,000 part-time (less than 30 hours a week) employees to government sponsored insurance […]

Syrian Debate: What Would Doctors and Nurses Do?

Mike Magee President Obama has appropriately asked the US Congress to debate our response to the use of chemical weapons in Syria. The value for the US and the world is the first full airing of the pro’s and con’s of attempting, through treaties and agreements and the enforcement of such agreements, to maintain a […]

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