
Exploring Human Potential

Meredith Magee Donnelly

Posted on | October 29, 2000 | Comments Off on Meredith Magee Donnelly

Meredith Magee Donnelly

Meredith Magee Donnelly, M.S. Ed is an Early Childhood Educator.  Meredith received her Masters in Education from Bank Street College of Education in 2004.  From 2003 to 2007 Meredith was a classroom teacher in both private and public schools in New York City with ages ranging from pre-K to first grade.  In 2007 Meredith became the Director of Development for Rocking Chair Project.  Meredith currently is a stay-at-home mom and Founder of Homegrown Friends. She lives in West Hartford, CT with her husband, Dave, and their three children,  Quinn, age three  and twin daughters, Luca and Charlotte, who are 18 months old.


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