
Exploring Human Potential

The Cascading Catastrophe of Trump.

Mike Magee With the ongoing, cascading catastrophe of Trump’s mishandling of COVID-19, it is easy to lose sight that the next pandemic (fueled by global warming, global trade, and human and animal migration) is just around the corner. And we haven’t even begun to nail down the origin story of this one. Unraveling the transmission […]

Coronavirus: Best Seat On My Flight?

Mike Magee Flights of US air carriers Delta, American and United to China have been cancelled until further notice, and travelers who have been in China within the past 2 weeks have had their entry into the US curtailed. But for the rest of us who are going to fly, what’s the the best spot […]

Placing Coronavirus In Public Health Perspective

Mike Magee The big news this week is the new coronavirus spreading across the globe compliments of China. Prevention efforts are challenging and depend on limiting human contact with and transmission of the virus in a globally connected world. Even in the US, fear and panic spread faster than a wildfire. In response to a […]

Lessons from Ebola in the Age of Zika

Mike Magee In the run up to the Olympics, and now as they have drawn to a close, Zika has been top medical news when it comes to exotic infectious diseases. It’s story has been so compelling that the mosquito borne disease has pushed Ebola to the sidelines – an epidemic which infected  28,616 Africans […]

Death by Environment: The Boomerang Effect of Poor Environmental Policy

Source:IndexMundi  Mike Magee The WHO released a report this week that suggested that nearly 1/4 of all human mortality (22.4%) in 2012 was secondary to unhealthy environments. We have known for some time that planetary health has an important impact on human health. It effects not only the quantity of years an average planetary citizen […]

Global Warming. What Is The Physician’s Responsibility?

  NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory High Resolution Image with more information about the graphic Mike Magee In 1997, Gro Brundtland, then head of the WHO defined health as “human potential”. In doing so, she broadened the sphere of interest of health policy experts on a macro level and challenged physicians on a micro level. In […]

Global Burden of Disease: 2012 Study Update – Where are we?

Mike Magee I was recently conversing with a group of public health students on the state of affairs throughout the world when the conversation wandered into the area of “Global Burden of Disease”. To my surprise, the level of knowledge and understanding of the term – its origins, purpose and intent – was highly variable. […]

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