
Exploring Human Potential

WSJ Denialists: “Same Climate Report, Different Day.”

Mike Magee This past weeks scary Climate Report raised alarm bells with good reason around the world. What’s not surprising is that the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal has not changed its tune. Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.’s headlined, “Same Climate Report, Different Day.”  In some ways, he’s right – the finding (the News […]

Affordable Care Act: Remembering How We Got Here…And Where We’ll Likely Go Next If Rejected.

Kathleen Sebelius US Secretary, Health and Human Services Several weeks ago the nation tuned into a renewed vigorous debate regarding health care reform fueled by the Supreme Court’s review of challenges to the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. While the final outcome of these deliberations are yet to be revealed, what we do know […]

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