
Exploring Human Potential

The Demilitarization of Homeland America: Lessons From Ferguson and WWII

DDT spaying beach area, 1950’s Mike Magee In tracking the events in Ferguson, Missouri, last week, I was reminded of the words of environmentalist, Edwin Way Teale, some 70 years ago, as WWII was drawing to a close. That war, and arguably the Allied success, was the result of our ability to mobilize and redirect […]

AAFP Stands With Patients: Statement on Rep. Akin’s “Legitimate Rape”.

Congratulations to the American Academy of Family Physicians.  Yesterday the association stood up for patients and provided clear guidance to their physician members stating that Rep. Akin’s views on “legitimate rape” have “no biologic truth” to back them up. The full release is available at: Thanks AAFP for your leadership on behalf of America’s […]

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