
Exploring Human Potential

The Medical AI Miracle? Health Data for Health Coverage.

Mike Magee In his book, “The Age of Diminished Expectations” (MIT Press/1994), Nobel Prize winner, Paul Krugman, famously wrote, “Productivity isn’t everything, but in the long run it is almost everything.” A year earlier, psychologist Karl E. Weich from the University of Michigan penned the term “sensemaking” based on his belief that the human mind […]

Giving Thanks to Women, and Children, and Lives Filled With Promise.

Mike Magee As Thanksgiving Day approaches, let’s give thanks for women, and children, and lives filled with promise. One President who understood the power of promise more than many others was FDR. When he structured up “a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms and regulations…”, he memorably packaged the plan under the label, […]

AMA and Dobbs: “Advocacy” vs. “Action” in a MAGAGA World. – Part 1.

Mike Magee Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.”     Book of Common Prayer, Church of England, 1549 Last evening Trump rose from the ashes and declared it was time to “Make America Great and Glorious Again” (MAGAGA). […]

Dara’s “Hero Quest” – Should He Push For Universal Health Care?

Mike Magee Joseph Campbell, who died in 1987 at the age 83, was a professor of literature and comparative mythology at Sarah Lawrence College. His famous 1949 book, “The Hero With a Thousand Faces” made the case that, despite varying cultures and religions, the hero’s story of departure, initiation, and return, is remarkably consistent and […]

“We Give People Light, and They Will Find The Way.”

SHARE/LINK:  HERE Mike Magee In the Jennifer Hudson/Black Eyed Peas campaign video remixing “Where is the Love?”, Joe Biden mirrors the famous words of Civil Rights legend Ella Baker, “Give people light and they will find the way.” Health care reform in America is now the path we must travel to uncover our own “exceptionalism.” […]

Could Dole (and Nixon) Finally Bring An End To The Trump Nightmare?

Mike Magee Excerpted from Code Blue: Inside the Medical Industrial Complex early drafts. As the country moves now at a full gallop toward an Impeachment trial of Donald Trump, inevitable comparisons arise to Richard Nixon and the Watergate era. But, beyond law breaking and enemy lists, the two men share little in common. No one […]

Public Opinion on Health Reform is Moving left for both R’s and D’s.

Mike Magee If there is a face for a “compassionate capitalist”, many would drop in the wise visage of Warren Buffett who famously declared “Medical costs are the tapeworm of American economic competitiveness.” Others have stated it differently while agreeing with results of the 2018 Bloomberg health efficiency index placing the U.S. dead last. The […]

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