
Exploring Human Potential

President-Elect Trump’s “Better Way”: Expanding Managed Medicaid or Medicare for ALL or….?

Image: KFF Mike Magee This is the week for speculation, especially when it comes to insuring the health of U.S. citizens. With President Obama’s departure, the Affordable Care Act is clearly at risk. The Republicans, with Paul Ryan at the helm, have attempted to challenge the bill over 50 times since its’ inception, the last […]

Uninsured Rates Vary Geographically. The Election Could Change That.

The national uninsured rate is at its lowest – 8.6% of the population. But pockets of hold-outs exist nationwide. WalletHub’s analysts compared the 2016 rates for 548 U.S. cities as well as the 50 states then broke down the figures by age, race/ethnicity and income level. J. Oberlander, in this week’s NEJM, has projected that […]

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