
Exploring Human Potential

AARP and the Commonwealth Fund Send Congress a Warning: We Oppose Dismantling Medicaid.

If Tom Price and the Republican Congress plan to roll over health care, they are in for a fight. That is becoming increasingly clear. The latest messenger was the powerful AARP – not commenting (yet) on Medicare, but rather putting out opposition markers to the idea of Medicaid block grants. The complete AARP statement is […]

Note to AAMC: If You Oppose Anti-Immigrant Trump/Bannon, You Must Oppose Anti-Immigrant Tom Price

Mike Magee   The AMA and AAMC two months ago offered a full throated endorsement of primo anti-immigrant Tom Price to lead HHS. But this weekend’s radical actions by Price’s potential boss, Donald Trump and his chief political adviser and National Security Council member, Stephen Bannon, apparently was a bridge to far. AAMC CEO went […]

AMA & AAMC Embrace of Anti-Immigrant Tom Price/Donald Trump May Be Costly.

Kaparaboyna Ashok Kumar, M.D. Mike Magee When the AMA and AAMC made the decision to announce their “strong support” for Tom Price to head HHS, they were fully aware of his support for armour piercing bullets, for not regulating tobacco as a drug, against mental health care parity, against SCHIP, for privatizing Medicare, against the […]

House of Medicine Mute On Ban of Muslim Physicians and Scientists

Yesterday U.S. Airports went into a virtual shut down in response to the Trump order to block all entry into the U.S. from seven predominantly Muslim nations. The response from Silicon Valley was immediate and led by Tim Cook of Apple who said: Team, In my conversations with officials here in Washington this week, I’ve […]

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