
Exploring Human Potential

Medicare Funded Home Health Care

Steve Landers MD New England Journal of Medicine Feature this week on Home Health Care funding. “Most older Americans want to age in place.1 The Medicare home health benefit is a prominent national policy supporting older Americans at home and provides for visiting nurse and therapist services from home health agencies (HHAs). In 2012, Medicare […]

Steven Landers MD in JAMA: “Payment reform initiatives in the ACA offer opportunities for improving the value of home health care.”

“Payment reform initiatives in the ACA offer opportunities for improving the value of home health care. These include independence at home programs, accountable care organizations, bundled payments, patient-centered medical homes, and readmission reduction initiatives. These approaches incentivize physicians and hospitals to partner with HHAs to avoid unnecessary hospitalization and institutionalization while also avoiding marginal HHA […]

Optimizing Home Health Care: Enhanced Value and Improved Outcomes

Steven Landers MD, MPH I am excited to let you know about the publication of a supplement to Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine called “Optimizing Home Health Care: Enhanced Value and Improved Outcomes.” See links below. This indexed and peer reviewed journal supplement has several articles outlining innovative concepts and approaches in home care. Physicians […]

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