
Exploring Human Potential

JAMA Exclusive Addresses “Statinization”.

JAMA Early Release: More Than a Billion People Taking Statins? Potential Implications of the New Cardiovascular Guidelines John P. A. Ioannidis, MD, DSc1,2 Published online December 02, 2013. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.284657 “The ACC and the AHA are among the most experienced organizations in medicine that develop guidelines. Their processes are meticulous, including transparent reporting of conflicts. The work behind […]

Cholesterol: Never Having To Say You’re Sorry – Authors, Reviewers and RWI’s.

Mike Magee Tough week for the Cholesterol Franchise. When the major heart associations (American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology) put out new guidelines in the journal Circulation(1), and instantaneously the Cleveland Clinic’s Steven Nissen and Brigham and Women’s Peter Libby trash the recommendations, and Harvard’s Paul M. Ridker and Nancy Cook let […]

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