
Exploring Human Potential

Urban Land Tenure Security as a Measure of Health

Mike Magee   “The title of our lands is free, clear, and absolute, and every proprietor of the land is a prince in his own domains, and lord paramount of the fee.” Jesse Root, Chief Justice of the CT Supreme Court (1798) When it came to social hierarchy and family position, land was the ultimate […]

Connect The Dots: Britain’s Coronation and Health Disparities in America.

Mike Magee And so the week of the long-awaited coronation of a new British Monarch has come to an end. Of course the debate over this practice will continue as long as the practice lasts. The question was posed in wide range of blaring headliners like, “Is the British Monarchy a Worthy Institution or Outdated […]

Hiding In America’s “Deep Poverty Problem” is Health Care.

Mike Magee Angus Deaton, the Princeton professor and Nobel Laureate who documented the tie between America’s raging prescription opioid epidemic and the first multi-year decline in U.S. life expectancy in our history, has done it again. This time it’s America’s poor in a New York Times Op-ed title “The U.S. Can No Longer Hide From […]

2018 – The Year of Dr. King.

Mike Magee We awaken this morning, on this sacred day that honors Martin Luther King Jr., to the continued reverberation of racist and profane commentary days ago from his polar opposite, a man who adds insult to injury by bragging that his vile actions will help him in the polls. And yet 2018 has the […]

What Friedman and Sandel and Desmond (and Maine) Know About Our Nation’s Health.

Niger and Waco Mike Magee We wake this morning to news that Maine voters have overrode their own governor and expanded ACA Medicaid, and Virginia voters have rejected a Trumpian appeal. As we begin to turn the corner, we need to be certain we don’t simply return to neutral but instead understand and execute progress. […]

“Let’s Make America Healthy Again!”

Source: SSRS Mike Magee As the Democrats continue to angst over messaging and a platform to appeal to America’s middle class, the answer is staring them right in the face. A poll this week by SSRS made it abundantly clear. But before I go into that, let me provide a winning banner for the 2018 […]

A Model of Cooperation and Teamwork For Healthcare – Unlocking Human Potential.

In the December 19, 2013 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, Kelly M. Doran MD and her co-authors make the case that investment in social services such as education, housing and transportation have a marked positive impact on increased health quality and decreased health cost. They site studies supporting the “estimate that medical […]

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