Message to Mike Lindell: Sleep Is The Brain’s Rinse Cycle.
Mike Magee For many Americans, the first image that pops in their heads when they hear the word “sleep” is that of 2020 election denier, and uber-Trump supporting/MyPillow guy, Mike Lindell. With a different election result, Mike and his 40 million shredded foam pillows would be in the rear view mirror rather than generating headlines […]
When Patients Know More Than You Do: The Case For Knowledge Exchange.
Mike Magee The patient-physician relationship is a powerful source of social capital in the U.S. and around the world. In surveys of thousands of doctors and patients between 1998 and 2002, the relationship was viewed as second in importance only to family relationships and far outstripped relationships with religious leaders, employers, and a host of […]
Sleep, Nurturing, and One Mother’s Vision On Forward Facing Care
Mike Magee As a grandparent of nine, with seven who are age 5 and under, I’ve had a great deal of exposure lately to early childhood parenting. When our own kids were this age, I was so preoccupied with a surgical residency and starting a practice that I didn’t fully appreciate the remarkably complex work […]
Falling Asleep At The Wheel: Why Watson Beat Us.
Mike Magee Watching Watson, the computer, humiliate our human race on Jeopardy (combined with in-your-face strife and turmoil here and around the world as witnessed on Cable TV) simply reinforces how little we understand about our physiologic selves (1). I’ve mentioned before an interview I did some years back of Craig Venter, the gene genius, […]
Interview: Elizabeth Pantley (author, “No-Cry Sleep Solution”)
Meredith Magee Donnelly Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution, speaks with sensitivity and intelligence about the challenges parents face in finding a balance between “nighttime neglect and daytime exhaustion”. What a breath of fresh air! I am delighted to share my interview with you. Everywhere I look these days there seems to be […]