
Exploring Human Potential

“Socialized Medicine” – Can It Work One More Time?

With excerpts from CODE BLUE: Inside the Medical Industrial Complex. Mike Magee In an interview that aired this week on Democracy at Work, Professor Richard Wolff asked me about the term “socialized medicine.” My response: Once our nation makes it through the Impeachment hearings, expect the Republican party to pull out the “golden oldies” when […]

“blank”…. FOR ALL.

Mike Magee In a Washington Post interview this week, Rep. Donna Shalala, former head of HHS and now a member of Congress from Florida, suggested that democratic reformers focus on universal coverage by whatever means possible. In her view, this includes opening up voluntary access to Medicare (50+), Medicaid (more liberal entry standards), employer based insurance […]

When Employers Stop Drinking the Kool-Aid.

Mike Magee I recently sat down to lunch with a retired veteran health insurance exec and asked her, “Are there still large corporation CEO’s who want to be the providers of health insurance for their employees – and if so, why?” She replied that there were a few and the primary reason was “ego.” She […]

When coders lose their jobs.

Mike Magee With health care now consuming close to 1 of every 5 dollars in America, it comes as no surprise that the sector is a major employer. No surprise either that many of those jobs deliver zero benefits when it comes to patient care. In fact, there are now 16 health care jobs for […]

While You Were Sleeping – Majority of Physicians Now Support Single Payer.

Mike Magee During the dog days of summer, the Trump Administration has continued its attempts to dismantle the ACA, bit by bit. But in the process, they are inadvertently reinforcing  the foundations for more comprehensive reform supported not only by a majority of patients, but also now by a majority of their physicians. Consider last […]

What Uwe Reinhardt (or Angus Deaton) Would Say About HC Costs.

Mike Magee A March 13, 2018 article written by scholars from the London School of Economics and published in JAMA focused on an all too familiar subject – comparative health care costs in America. That article was accompanied by a number of editorial reaction pieces including the one written by Zeke Emanuel who generated the […]

The Simplification Movement in American Healthcare

CDC Obesity Map Mike Magee As the debate over health care in America rages on, the great lie oft repeated but never defended is that our system is exceptional and too complex to wrestle to the ground. That is the breech, reinforced over half a century that has left our citizens and now our entire […]

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