
Exploring Human Potential

First, Extirpate Trump. Then Begin the Nation Anew With Health.

Mike Magee “The Right to Health Care and the U.S. Constitution.” On the surface, it sounds like a straight forward topic – a simple presentation. But a gentle scratch at the surface reveals a controversy that literally dates back 250 years and more. Is it a “right”, a “privilege”, or simply a “necessity?” I’m not a […]

A Useful Distraction. An Hour With Gro Harlem Brundtland.

VIEW INTERVIEW Mike Magee As each of us, in our own way, waits for the final results of the 2020 US Presidential contest, patience is demanded, and a useful distraction may be helpful. Let me recommend this 1 hour interview by UC Berkeley’s Harry Kreisler of one of my Public Health heroes, Gro Harlem Brundtland.  […]

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