
Exploring Human Potential

Dr. Ralph Northam and the Culture of Forgiveness

Mike Magee Within 24 hours of the airing of Governor Ralph Northam’s 1984 Yearbook page last week, commentators were discussing the implications of his history of racial bias on his performance as a physician. Second year psychiatry resident Jennifer Adaeze Okwerekwu asked in STAT this week,  “Why are we less forgiving of Ralph Northam as […]

What’s the best specialty for a medical student who wants to be a progressive politician?

Mike Magee If you are a medical student and aspire to be a progressive political leader as well, what might be the best specialty tract to pursue? You could chose pediatrics as Ralph Northam did, and receive your training in the military, retiring at age 33 as a major and then become a pediatric neurologist […]

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