
Exploring Human Potential

Ebola Crisis Communications Out Of Control: Time Again For Tony Fauci

Ashoka Mukpo, source/DailyMail UK Mike Magee With the announcement this morning that Nancy Snyderman and her Ebola infected free lance photographer, Ashoka Mukpo, are on their way back to the states from Liberia in a private corporate jet, fundamental questions about transmission of Ebola are being raised. The current situation rings the same crisis communication […]

Global Warming. What Is The Physician’s Responsibility?

  NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory High Resolution Image with more information about the graphic Mike Magee In 1997, Gro Brundtland, then head of the WHO defined health as “human potential”. In doing so, she broadened the sphere of interest of health policy experts on a macro level and challenged physicians on a micro level. In […]

Why I Smoked “L&M’s”.

Mike Magee An editorial in this week’s New England Journal of Medicine asks, “Is it time for a tobacco-free military?”(1) The article nicely summarizes the arguments for (few) and against (many) the promotion of cigarette tobacco on bases, in the commissaries, and on the battle field. It also lays out accurately that previous attempts to […]

CDC Ranking of Top Ten Least Active States

CDC now ranks population level activity rates state by state. Here are the top ten least active states with % of inactive population Mississippi: 36% Tennessee: 35.1% West Virginia: 35.1% Louisiana: 33.8% Alabama: 32.6% Oklahoma: 31.2% Arkansas: 30.9% Kentucky: 29.3% Indiana: 29.2% Missouri: 28.4%

ACA Will Amplify Healthy People 2020’s Early Successes

Mike Magee We are now in the fourth decade of “Healthy People”, the US Public Health’s strategic road map for both guiding and measuring the success of population wide health initiatives. The scope of the initiative is impressively broad, including 42 different categories and over 1000 touch points. We’re currently striving to reach goals outlined […]

Is It Time To Close The Bedroom Door On Catholic Bishops?

Mike Magee If you are interested in the intersection of religion and medical science, March 26, 2014, is a fascinating day indeed. Today, the Supreme Court Justices (including six Catholics, three Jews and no Protestants or Muslims) are considering a case brought by two business corporations. They state that they are running their businesses based […]

King, Obama and Health Care Reform: Moving From Dream To Action.

Mike Magee “Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhuman.” — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.(1) This week we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Rev. Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech. The promise of that dream – lives lived to their fullest, with purpose, goodness, […]

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