
Exploring Human Potential

Leaning In To Public Health Policy: Public Health as Nation Builder.

Mike Magee As Stanford Professor of Law, Lawrence M. Friedman, wrote in A History of American Law, “One hundred and sixty-nine years went by between Jamestown and the Declaration of Independence. The same length of time separates 1776 and the end of World War II.”  During those very early years that preceded the formal declaration […]

Afghanistan, Covid, the Delta Variant …and Fear Management as a Public Health Emergency.

Mike Magee In the past two decades, all manners of catastrophe have managed to land on our laps at the intersection of science, public policy, and information technology. Transparency and truth are the keys to unlocking lasting solutions. But in the meantime, there is a pressing need to manage fear. The U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan […]

Mass Vaccination – We’ve Been There Before.

Mike Magee Children of this era, decades from now, will recall a pandemic and their experiences with vaccines, in the same manner as citizens of my age recall the polio vaccine campaigns in the 1950’s. While my generation was less informed on the science than our counterparts today, we had three advantages: National administrative leadership […]

Latest State Covid Case/Deaths/Vaccine Rates

Data Source: Washington Post 11/13/21

For All Health Professionals Now: “Connect the ‘DOTS’, Dump the ‘Hunch’ “

Mike Magee There isn’t a health professional (or financial professional for that matter) out there who didn’t shake her head last week when Dr. Trump expressed his “hunch” about Covid-19. Crises and panic breed in an environment of ignorance, loose lips, and misshaped priorities. “Hunches” make all responsible leaders shutter. Britain’s Adam Kucharski’s new book, […]

Coronavirus – an Opportunity to Pursue Global Health, Societal Justice, and Progress.

Mike Magee The emergence of the novel coronavirus, and its evolution into a pandemic threat, are sending shock waves across the globe. The discussions between government, academics, non-governmental organizations and industry reflect the common belief that no one sector can address such a complex challenge in isolation.  The rapid advance of technology and human migration […]

CODE BLUE: Sequel to The Social Transformation of American Medicine

Background: “Code Blue should be in every college Public Health and Health Policy syllabus in 2020!” In the preface to his 1984 Pulitzer Prize winning book, “The Social Transformation of Medicine”, Princeton sociology professor Paul Starr states, “History does not provide any answers about what should be done… My hope is that this historical […]

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