
Exploring Human Potential

Your Annualized Personalized Health Check-up

Ralph Snyderman M.D. In a January 10, 2015 editorial in the NewYork Times, Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel derides the annual physical exam as a multi-billion dollar waste of time.  The exam in current practice is indeed ineffective in preventing disease and reflects the inadequacy of a reactive approach to health care which costs almost $3 trillion/year of […]

Ralph Snyderman From The Annual ASCO Meeting: Personalized Health Care Drives Progress In Cancer

Ralph Snyderman (ORIGINAL SOURCE) The American Society of Clinical Oncology is the leading professional organization committed to conquering cancer through research, education, prevention, and delivery of high quality patient care. Its Annual Meeting provides a forum where major advances in cancer are presented to its members consisting of over 30,000 physicians involved in all aspects […]

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