
Exploring Human Potential

Reverend King, President Obama and Quiet Change

Mike Magee This week, the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. had little chance of competing with the continued debate around who should be the Republican nominee for President of the United States. While that decision may still be weeks or even months in coming, what is clear is who will be running for President […]

Does President Obama’s Job Plan Include Health Care?

Mike Magee President Obama just completed announcing his Jobs Plan in the Rose Garden at the White House. It’s already on its way to Congress and focuses on a cut in payroll taxes and “rebuilding schools and blighted neighborhoods, helping local governments pay teachers and firefighters, setting up an ‘infrastructure bank’ to leverage federal loans […]

Inspiring The US Innovation Engine For Health Care: President Obama’s Visit To Intel

Eric Dishman I am on a plane returning from the annual HIMSS conference on health information technologies. As I watch the borderless states go by far below, I can see the lines and circles of our interstates and highways, which previous generations had the vision and audacity to create for us. Even with the depressing […]

President Obama and Martin Luther King: Two Leaders With One Message.

Mike Magee As Rev. Martin Luther King approached the podium in front of the Lincoln Memorial, his staff have recalled that he was very satisfied with their planning for the march on that day. Originally intended to terminate at the Congressional steps, the Kennedy administration, which was pursuing the historic Civil Rights Bill at the […]

Health Reform: A Day of Reckoning Arrives

Mike Magee Six months ago today, the Patient Protection and Affordability of Care Act was signed into law. (1) And for many, today is “the day of reckoning”. That’s because many of the most critical consumer benefits of this transformational health bill take effect today. Yet many remain confused about what health reform is and […]

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