
Exploring Human Potential

Why, After 200 Years, Is Haiti This Impoverished?

Mike Magee This Spring, at the President’s College at the University of Hartford, I taught a timely course titled, “The History of Epidemics in America.” By way of introduction, I stated that “Epidemics are social, political, philosophical, medical and above all ecological. They are also narratives – with a beginning, middle and end, and a […]

Hiding In America’s “Deep Poverty Problem” is Health Care.

Mike Magee Angus Deaton, the Princeton professor and Nobel Laureate who documented the tie between America’s raging prescription opioid epidemic and the first multi-year decline in U.S. life expectancy in our history, has done it again. This time it’s America’s poor in a New York Times Op-ed title “The U.S. Can No Longer Hide From […]

Pope to Congress: The Art of Politics, and The Promotion of Health.

Mike Magee If health is about human potential, and if what we in the caring professions are challenged to do is “to heal, provide health, and keep families and communities whole”, then what we do is a holy pursuit. In his remarks to Congress this morning, Pope Francis said as much. In addition to providing […]

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