
Exploring Human Potential

“The Power To Part The Red Sea, While Failing To Scale The Ten Commandments.”

Mike Magee A few weeks ago New York Times columnist Tom Friedman wrote, “We Are Opening The Lid On Two Giant Pandoras Boxes.” He was referring to 1) artificial Intelligence (AI) which most agree has the potential to go horribly wrong unless carefully regulated, and 2) global warming leading to water mediated flooding, drought, and […]

2018 – The Year of Dr. King.

Mike Magee We awaken this morning, on this sacred day that honors Martin Luther King Jr., to the continued reverberation of racist and profane commentary days ago from his polar opposite, a man who adds insult to injury by bragging that his vile actions will help him in the polls. And yet 2018 has the […]

Is Our American Culture Sick?

Mike Magee Yesterday, for the first time ever, a UK Prime Minister openly criticized an American President. But is the problem just Trump, or is it our American culture? Earlier last month, conservative columnist, David Brooks, in the New York Times, suggested as much when he wrote, “The first step in launching our own revival […]

Could Optimizing The Carbon Sink Offer Immediate Short-Term Relief?

Source: NOAA Video Carbon in Action Mike Magee OK. Let’s just all admit it. Al Gore was right – even if the truth was inconvenient at the time. For most of the civilized world, the present day truth is not only inconvenient, but also incontrovertible, inconceivable (in its potential destructive effects), and increasingly (almost) inevitable. […]

Death by Environment: The Boomerang Effect of Poor Environmental Policy

Source:IndexMundi  Mike Magee The WHO released a report this week that suggested that nearly 1/4 of all human mortality (22.4%) in 2012 was secondary to unhealthy environments. We have known for some time that planetary health has an important impact on human health. It effects not only the quantity of years an average planetary citizen […]

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