
Exploring Human Potential

Doctors in the Top 5% – Not The Top 1% by Income. Oh, and Canadian doctors make more than U.S. doctors.

Source What are the average 2017 earnings of U.S. doctors? Primary Care – $217,000  Specialties – $316,000 What is the salary span for doctors by specialty? Pediatricians make the least ($202,000), Orthopedists the most ($489,000). How much have salaries grown in the last six years? 43%, from an average $206,000 in 2011 to an average […]

Affordable Care Act. “The Sky is Falling!” No It’s Not.

Mike Magee Since the signing and implementation of the Affordable Care Act, with its successful provision of  coverage for millions of uninsured and expansion of Medicaid in participating states, there has been a constant stream of warnings of impending disasters of various sorts. It will break the bank! Early results show the opposite to be […]

Health Manpower Planning In “A Zero Marginal Cost” Economy.

Mike Magee This week an economist with rose colored glasses suggested that there were two reasons for extreme optimism toward the United States economy, even as Putin goes out on an economic limb to assume the liability of his old Soviet partners. The first positive is our well publicized movement toward energy independence, with the […]

Home Health Care: Meeting The Patient Half Way.

Mike Magee In a 2013 article in JAMA, Steve Landers laid out the argument for money following the patient. Destination? Home, where family caregivers and others are increasingly doing their best to manage health care complexity. In the article Landers states: “Most older Americans want to age in place. The Medicare home health benefit is […]

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