
Exploring Human Potential

What A Month For Big Pharma As Biden Triggers Congressional Cooperation.

Mike Magee In President Biden’s State of the Union Address, the most oft repeated phrase was “Let’s Finish The Job!” This came as part of an appeal for partnership as well as an assertion that in his first two years as President much had been accomplished. Last week, with some fanfare, The President announced Lilly […]

Is There a “Famous Trio” in Human Science For the 21st Century?

Mike Magee Yale historian, Frank M. Snowden wisely notes in his 2020 book, “Epidemics and Society”, that “We must avoid the pitfall of believing the driver of scientific knowledge is ever a single genius working alone.” To make his point, Snowden tells the story of what he terms “The Famous Trio” – three different scientists […]

Moderna – The Upstart That Digitized the Pharma Field.

Mike Magee As the saying goes, “Time is money.”  When it comes to breakthrough innovation, time is also a marker or measure of success. Let’s take for example, Moderna, an upstart in the world of biomedical science, dwarfed by the giants in the industry, household names like Pfizer, Merck, and J&J – and the subject […]

Is it time for the “next” health care, or a total reboot?

Mike Magee This week’s big news is no big surprise. “Medicare’s Trust Fund Is Set to Run Out in 8 Years. Social Security, 16”, said the New York Times. We told you so, screamed the Republicans, anxious to fulfill Paul Ryan’s dream of taming endowments. We told you so, blared the Democrats, claiming this was […]

The U.S. Pharmaceutical Supply Chain – The Gray and Black Market

    Mike Magee With the U.S. Pharmaceutical supply chain, what you see is not what you get. As we saw last week there are roughly 4 1/2 billion prescriptions filled each year. Just under 50% of American residents have filled 1 prescription in the past 30 days. The 1st Tier drug supply chain above […]

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