
Exploring Human Potential

Lickspittle Support For Trumpcare.

Peggy Noonan Mike Magee Today the Republican House voted against their own self-interest by caving to Trumpcare. In doing so, they failed to heed conservative columnist Peggy Noonan’s advise from just a week ago. In her opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, she wrote “Being loyal isn’t being a lickspittle.” This of course sent […]

Price-Less: Make America Red Again.

Mike Magee In the weeks ahead, we will see how far backwards our health will slide under Republican leadership. In the President’s budget proposal this week, we see that he doesn’t care much for the EPA. Juxtapose that with this week’s BMJ study revealing a link between global warming and rising rates of diabetes. “Fake […]

Medicaid Caps and Paul Ryan’s “Good Old Days”.

Paul Ryan’s “A Better Way” is actually the same old way circa 1960 when Medicaid Caps were all the rage, with Welfare providing “medical vendor payments”. What did that look like? State spending was low: $12 billion nationwide in 2014 dollars covering <2% of citizens. Eligibility, coverage and utilization were tightly constrained. No care for […]

Canada vs. U.S. Health Care: State Governance and Next Steps if Ryan Fails.

Mike Magee One of the most enduring myths that we Americans support when it comes to Canadian health care is that it is a nationally run, monolithic offering with little variability. That is patently false. In fact, Canada’s official beginnings in health governance began in the province of Saskatchewan in 1946.  For several decades they […]

The Presidential Debate: Race, Class, and Health

Mike Magee With the selection of Paul Ryan by Governor Romney, pundits are predicting a real ideologic battle come November. The choice we’ll be debating will likely be about what kind of America we want, and will certainly deal with race, class and health. What will be the quality of the debate? Hopefully, well-informed. Let’s […]

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