
Exploring Human Potential

Now That Google Health Is Gone, Will “Healthy Tech” Emerge?

Mike Magee Google Health, after some 16 quarters, threw up it’s hands and surrendered.(1) In so doing, it followed Steve Case’s move with Revolution Health. And then there’s Microsoft’s Health Vault, which is primarily a secure, if passive repository for yesterday’s information.(2) In its announcement, Google said: “In the coming months, we’re going to retire […]

Announcing: A Unique Resource – The Forerunner Collection

Health Commentary provides a range of informational open source resources for educational use with proper attribution. One of those resources is our Collections section prominently displayed on the toolbar above. In the collection, you will find series on aging, technology, and obesity. You can also access a curriculum on Advanvced Professionalism and 188 annotated public […]

The AMA, Rep. Akins “Legitimate Rape”, and Physician Leadership

Mike Magee At times like these, with Rep. Todd Akins “legitimate rape” remarks fresh in everyone’s minds, there is a natural tendency for Americans to turn to their respected leaders to re-establish sanity and reassure the public that we have not completely lost either our judgement or sense of civility. And so, we’ve heard the […]

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