
Exploring Human Potential

Grandparents Should Be Playful.

Mike Magee These are our 9 grandchildren. And this is my baseball glove from when I was a little leaguer. What’s the connection. Well it’s this memory of my grandfather having a catch with me one day in my back yard. A playful memory. Maybe I remember it because it was such a rare occurrence. […]

Sleep, Nurturing, and One Mother’s Vision On Forward Facing Care

Mike Magee As a grandparent of nine, with seven who are age 5 and under, I’ve had a great deal of exposure lately to early childhood parenting. When our own kids were this age, I was so preoccupied with a surgical residency and starting a practice that I didn’t fully appreciate the remarkably complex work […]

Interview: Elizabeth Pantley (author, “No-Cry Sleep Solution”)

Meredith Magee Donnelly Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution, speaks with sensitivity and intelligence about the challenges parents face in finding a balance between “nighttime neglect and daytime exhaustion”.  What a breath of fresh air!  I am delighted to share my interview with you.   Everywhere I look these days there seems to be […]

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