
Exploring Human Potential

Medical Leaders and Consumers Lining Up To Support Nurses.

Mike Magee On January 1, 2014, as a result of implementation of the Affordable Care Act,  the US will experience a major expansion of individuals covered by health insurance. The law includes three key pillars – insurers must provide coverage to all comers regardless of medical history; all citizens must pay in (either through purchase […]

National Summit On Advanced Care Illness – A Must!

Announcing: A Unique Resource – The Forerunner Collection

Health Commentary provides a range of informational open source resources for educational use with proper attribution. One of those resources is our Collections section prominently displayed on the toolbar above. In the collection, you will find series on aging, technology, and obesity. You can also access a curriculum on Advanvced Professionalism and 188 annotated public […]

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