
Exploring Human Potential

A Post-Election Resource

Access Online  Hard Copy We are in the grip of change and our American Democracy is at risk. Change is one of the few human experiences that supports two dramatically opposed human emotions.  On the one hand, change is fear, and on the other, change is exploration.  And while you can support both emotions simultaneously, […]

Competitor Analysis: The Future of Primary Care

Mike Magee Most would now agree that we are approaching a fundamental disconnect in two health delivery trend lines. They are: 1) the growing need and demand for services fueled by our aging population and 2) a growing shortage of primary care health professionals. Where opinions diverge is how to address this growing problem in […]

Announcing: A Unique Resource – The Forerunner Collection

Health Commentary provides a range of informational open source resources for educational use with proper attribution. One of those resources is our Collections section prominently displayed on the toolbar above. In the collection, you will find series on aging, technology, and obesity. You can also access a curriculum on Advanvced Professionalism and 188 annotated public […]

Reflections on Positive Leadership on the Anniversary of 9/11

Mike Magee As with many Americans and people around the world, September 11 will always be a day for reflection, a quiet day, a solemn day. The fact that our family was living and working in New York City on the day of the attack; the fact that I conducted a number of commissioned surveys […]

Obesity Prevention: HBO, IOM, CDC, NIH and The White House Go Public May 14 and 15.

Mike Magee Health Commentary has been focused on the challenge of obesity for over a decade. The facts have been clear. But the will to deal effectively with this crisis has been spotty at best. The costs are rising – in financial, human, social and cultural capital – and weighing us down in a thousand […]

Intergenerational Caring: When Caring Flows Up, Learnings Flow Down.

Mike Magee This afternoon I’ll be flying to Seattle to deliver a keynote tomorrow to the American Academy of Home Care Physicians at The American Geriatrics Society Annual Meeting. One of my messages will be to “reconnect the American family”. By that I mean to encourage multigenerational mutual caring, learning, and committment. Stated another way, […]

Affordable Care Act: Remembering How We Got Here…And Where We’ll Likely Go Next If Rejected.

Kathleen Sebelius US Secretary, Health and Human Services Several weeks ago the nation tuned into a renewed vigorous debate regarding health care reform fueled by the Supreme Court’s review of challenges to the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. While the final outcome of these deliberations are yet to be revealed, what we do know […]

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