
Exploring Human Potential

“You” Are Not You, But “We”: How The Microbiome May Change Everything.

Mike Magee In 2003, I was moderating a Q&A session with Craig Venter, the American biologist and entrepreneur of DNA mapping fame. On behalf of the audience, I asked him what percentage of the knowledge required to optimally care for human beings did we currently possess. His unhesitant response?  “Less than one percent.” Over the […]

What Can 4 Million Old Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Teach Us?

Mike Magee Over the years, I’ve had exposure to basic science researchers focused on infectious diseases both in academia and industry. In both environments, I witnessed legitimate concern regarding the inappropriate and overuse of antibiotics and the link to increasing resistance to antibiotics among human pathogens. The issues include exposing patients to long term danger, […]

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