
Exploring Human Potential

Is Big Change Coming? Jake and Kamala (& Michael and Howard)

Mike Magee The decade long battle by Republicans to “repeal and replace” Obamacare is fading slowly into the background. But as this week’s dust up, ignited by CNN’s Jake Tapper’s probing of Presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s views on Medicare expansion revealed, we still have a long ways to go. By the next morning, two of […]

Pigouvian Tax vs. Norquistian Anarchy

Mike Magee Like many Americans, I’ve been following the tax debate. We seem to have moved from “no new taxes” to “what new taxes”. The New Yorker this week came out in favor of Pigouvian taxes.(1) Say what? Back in 1920, a British economist named Arthur Pugou, wrote a book called “The Economics of Welfare”, […]

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