
Exploring Human Potential

“Avoid Brick & Mortar” = “Care Anywhere” : 2 Names, Same Strategy.

Editor’s Note: In an excellent piece, by Intel’s Eric Dishman(below), we are introduced to the “Care Anywhere” movement. This reinforces our “Avoid Brick and Mortar” strategy for managing health care cost while increasing quality outcomes. Eric’s piece deserves a careful reading. ORIGINAL SOURCE “In the currently raging debates about healthcare, there’s little attention to population […]

mHealth: Who’s Paying, How, and Why?

Mike Magee What will drive health care’s immediate future? In 3 words – Complexity, Connectivity, Consumerism. To be more specific, consumer choice will foster creation and purchase of products that enhance connectivity with the goal of managing multi-generational complexity.(1) We are a mobile society with a high disease burden and an inefficient, inconvenient and expensive […]

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