
Exploring Human Potential

“Replacement Theory” from the BMJ

White Americans are dying (being “replaced”) at an alarming rate in Republican-led states since 2008? What’s the story? Mike Magee Source: BMJ: June 7, 2022 _____________________________________________________ “As I’ve said before, I believe Dr. Ladapo is an anti-science quack who doesn’t belong anywhere near our state’s Surgeon General office, let alone running it. But now that […]

Universality is The Goal: Incremental Movement Toward Single Payer Options Makes Political Sense.

Mike Magee As Trump continues to dabble in undermining the ACA, Democrats are pushing forward on an internal debate over the future of Obamacare. And although tactics and strategies are up for debate, there is close to a consensus on one issue – our government should guarantee universal health insurance coverage for all citizens. Our […]

Who’s The Most Important Doctor-Politician in America?

Dr. Barbara Bollier Mike Magee “I’m about health-care’d out.” Those are the words of Sen. Pat Roberts (R.,Kan.) One can understand his exhaustion. After all, seven years of relentless opposition to the ACA have ended in defeat. The leader, Mitch McConnell, of this effort acknowledged as much last week when he said “It’s pretty obvious […]

President-Elect Trump’s “Better Way”: Expanding Managed Medicaid or Medicare for ALL or….?

Image: KFF Mike Magee This is the week for speculation, especially when it comes to insuring the health of U.S. citizens. With President Obama’s departure, the Affordable Care Act is clearly at risk. The Republicans, with Paul Ryan at the helm, have attempted to challenge the bill over 50 times since its’ inception, the last […]

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