
Exploring Human Potential

Opposing “Obamacare” Is Political Suicide For Downstream Republicans.

Mike Magee Despite Trump’s recent renewed pledge to once again take on Obamacare, most Republican leaders understand that opposing the increasingly popular program is political suicide. Experts have repeatedly advised the opposite, as we move slowly and incrementally toward “universalism in conjunction with simple source funding,” A brief summary of the past history helps refresh […]

“blank”…. FOR ALL.

Mike Magee In a Washington Post interview this week, Rep. Donna Shalala, former head of HHS and now a member of Congress from Florida, suggested that democratic reformers focus on universal coverage by whatever means possible. In her view, this includes opening up voluntary access to Medicare (50+), Medicaid (more liberal entry standards), employer based insurance […]

How Medicaid Is Socializing and Polularizing Single Payer Approaches To Population Health.

 Mike Magee As the Republican controlled Senate prepares for a ballot today to vote on a bill yet to be identified, their governor counterparts in 31 of our 50 states are fast at work familiarizing themselves and socializing themselves to a new way of managing the health of populations within their geographic boundaries – single […]

Non-Real Work: Eliminating Private Health Insurers From Primary Coverage. Single Payer Time Has Come.

  Mike Magee Economist Herbert Stein, WSJ contributor, AEI senior fellow, and economic advisor to Richard Nixon, famously said, “If something can not go on forever, it will stop.” When it comes to the health insurance industry in America, we may be approaching that point. Obamacare, and those opposed to it, have managed in the […]

Medicaid: The Base For Single Payer Health Care?

“Don’t mess with my Medicaid!” That was clearly the takeaway for Republican legislators heard as they met with hometown crowds in the lead up to their historic Trumpcare defeat. Whether they have “given up the ghost” only time will tell. But as the facts below suggest, going back at Medicaid today means attacking a program […]

Giving Up The Ghost: Republican State Legislators Begin To Acquiesce to Medicaid Expansion.

Mike Magee In a recent analysis of the U.S. and Canadian health care systems, two things were clear. First, Canada Health Care was planned, and our’s just happened. And second, both nations favored regional over federal delivery systems. In the U.S., that meant a strong bias toward state management, while in Canada the provinces and […]

Canada vs. U.S. Health Care: State Governance and Next Steps if Ryan Fails.

Mike Magee One of the most enduring myths that we Americans support when it comes to Canadian health care is that it is a nationally run, monolithic offering with little variability. That is patently false. In fact, Canada’s official beginnings in health governance began in the province of Saskatchewan in 1946.  For several decades they […]

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