
Exploring Human Potential

AMA/PhRMA v. Federalist Society – Let The Witch Trials Begin!

Mike Magee The law is a funny thing. When British settlers first arrived on our eastern shores in 1607, their clergy-led bosses struggled to establish the rules while “clinging precariously” to life itself. Where did the rules come from in the decades that followed? Some were derived from folk law. Others were indigenous (unique to […]

Leaning In To Public Health Policy: Public Health as Nation Builder.

Mike Magee As Stanford Professor of Law, Lawrence M. Friedman, wrote in A History of American Law, “One hundred and sixty-nine years went by between Jamestown and the Declaration of Independence. The same length of time separates 1776 and the end of World War II.”  During those very early years that preceded the formal declaration […]

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