
Exploring Human Potential

Picking Up The “Single Payer” Baton From Ady Barkan.

Mike Magee The Politico headline in 2019 declared dramatically, “The Most Powerful Activist in America is Dying.” This week, 4 1/2 years later, their prophecy came true, as activist Ady Barkan succumbed at age 39 to ALS leaving behind his vibrant wife, English professor, Rachael King, and two small children, Carl, 8, and Willow,4. His […]

Eisenhower to Biden on Health Care: “Enlarge the Problem.”

Mike Magee My good friend, Kim Bellard, in a piece published in Medium titled “The Eisenhower Principle”, shines a light on this genuine American hero’s seminal military, political and management insight – “If a problem cannot be solved, enlarge it.” In Kim’s astute health care analysis, he notes “We’ve learned only half of Eisenhower’s adage: […]

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