
Exploring Human Potential

Young, Liberal, Silicon Savvy – Why did they join Juul?

Mike Magee In late 2018, young tech-savvy future entrepreneurs streamed into the offices of e-cigarette start-up Juul. Four thousand strong, they were attracted by the $38 billion valuation and the promise of stock sharing in the high-flying techie new business with moral cover – a mission to make cigarette smoking obsolete. At their Christmas party […]

When The Wool Is Pulled Over Your Eyes (Again) … IT’s Not Exactly “Breaking News”!

Mike Magee In this age of hucksterism and “fake news”, we Americans need to accept the fact that we’re too easy a mark, too naïve, too corruptible. And don’t blame our elected leaders – they’re simply a reflection of us. Just take a look at our health care system, overrun with profiteering, one of only […]

Juul – Fun Facts!

Mike Magee Most everyone by now has heard about Juul, the leading brand name for e-cigarettes. But, for most of us, that’s where our knowledge begins and ends – except for a growing awareness that there’s a controversy brewing about risk, teenage use, school policy, and profiteering by Big Tobacco which is getting a piece […]

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