
Exploring Human Potential

The “final, final, final” Final Battle of Donald Trump.

Mike Magee We now are two days away from the “final, final, final” Final Battle of Donald Trump. One year ago, the former President, now convicted felon, promised his supporters in Columbus, Georgia that his recently announced bid for the presidency was “the final battle” against “corrupt forces” and the “Deep State” which was being […]

“Justice delayed is justice denied . . . but not forever.”

Mike Magee The date was March 16, 1868. The speaker was a British statesman and former Prime Minister, William Evert Gladstone. In a dispute that day, during vigorous debate in Parliament, Gladstone, in response to supportive cheers from colleagues said , “But above all, if we be just men, we shall go forward in the […]

Why We Need To Hold Bad Lawyers (and Their Law Schools) Accountable.

Mike Magee In 2002, psychologist Emily Pronin and her co-authors, in an article titled, You Don’t Know Me, But I Know You: The Illusion of Asymmetric Insight, laid out the concept of “Naive Realism.” As she explained, “We insist that our ‘outsider perspective’ affords us insights about our peers that they are denied by their […]

Pope to Congress: The Art of Politics, and The Promotion of Health.

Mike Magee If health is about human potential, and if what we in the caring professions are challenged to do is “to heal, provide health, and keep families and communities whole”, then what we do is a holy pursuit. In his remarks to Congress this morning, Pope Francis said as much. In addition to providing […]

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