
Exploring Human Potential

“Avoid Brick & Mortar” = “Care Anywhere” : 2 Names, Same Strategy.

Editor’s Note: In an excellent piece, by Intel’s Eric Dishman(below), we are introduced to the “Care Anywhere” movement. This reinforces our “Avoid Brick and Mortar” strategy for managing health care cost while increasing quality outcomes. Eric’s piece deserves a careful reading. ORIGINAL SOURCE “In the currently raging debates about healthcare, there’s little attention to population […]

Now That Google Health Is Gone, Will “Healthy Tech” Emerge?

Mike Magee Google Health, after some 16 quarters, threw up it’s hands and surrendered.(1) In so doing, it followed Steve Case’s move with Revolution Health. And then there’s Microsoft’s Health Vault, which is primarily a secure, if passive repository for yesterday’s information.(2) In its announcement, Google said: “In the coming months, we’re going to retire […]

Leaders From Health Care and Business to Discuss New Efforts to Achieve Better Care, Better Health, and Lower Costs in the United States

Upcoming  Media Teleconference Draws on Examples from Newly Published Book, Pursuing The Triple Aim WHAT: The Institute for Healthcare Improvement will host a media briefing on May 4th to describe groundbreaking new approaches to health care delivery in the US, many of which reflect a growing consensus among local and multiple stakeholders that “business as usual” […]

Inspiring The US Innovation Engine For Health Care: President Obama’s Visit To Intel

Eric Dishman I am on a plane returning from the annual HIMSS conference on health information technologies. As I watch the borderless states go by far below, I can see the lines and circles of our interstates and highways, which previous generations had the vision and audacity to create for us. Even with the depressing […]

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