
Exploring Human Potential

The New Healthcare Workforce: Will Form Follow Function?

Mike Magee In the November 21, 2013 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, the lead article asks, “Are We in a Medical Education Bubble?”(1)  In the article, the authors explain that “ Bubble markets are created when an asset trades for increasingly higher prices as it is bought by people who are hopeful […]

“Smokers Need Not Apply” – A Byproduct Of Employer Based Health Insurance

Mike Magee Enlightened employers around the world spend considerable time and resources assuring that the workplace in healthy and safe. They do so to maximize productivity, retention, worker satisfaction, and to limit liability and cost. Their efforts are guided and directed by informed legislation, administered with varying degrees of regulatory success. Employers in the US, […]

In Down Market, Health Is Hiring: Emphasis On Character

Mike Magee It seems that this is the “Summer of Flame and Blame” when it comes to our economy. Bickering has replaced governance; S&P downgrades America’s AAA rating but felt Lehman’s A rating was fine and dandy the day before it fell off the map; and the market is crashing today with the possibility we’re […]

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