
Exploring Human Potential

As CEO Profits Soar, Why Are More and More Of Their Employees Underinsured?

Mike Magee Employees across America are discovering that money is tight this Christmas, in large part because they are on the hook for rising out-of-pocket health care costs. But as the rising trend line above well-illustrates, their CEO’s pockets are overflowing with cash, and their health plans are Cadillac or better. This is the season […]

Employer Based Health Insurance – How It Began, Why It’s Bad For The Economy, And Why Employers Want Out.

Mike Magee Business leaders came to Washington this week to meet with the President to discuss the state of our economy and the “fiscal cliff”. They also had a few questions about “Obamacare” – and while they may not have said it out loud – they’re dreaming of getting out of the health insurance business […]

Is Health Care Spending Declining In America?

Mike Magee Election aside, the data is now coming in on our heath care economy for 2012. According to a recent report by the Health Care division at Pricewaterhouse Coopers,  our health care spending will grow by 7.5 percent next year. This is a slower rate of medical growth than in the recent past. Credit […]

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