
Exploring Human Potential

Home Health Care: Meeting The Patient Half Way.

Mike Magee In a 2013 article in JAMA, Steve Landers laid out the argument for money following the patient. Destination? Home, where family caregivers and others are increasingly doing their best to manage health care complexity. In the article Landers states: “Most older Americans want to age in place. The Medicare home health benefit is […]

“Avoid Brick & Mortar” = “Care Anywhere” : 2 Names, Same Strategy.

Editor’s Note: In an excellent piece, by Intel’s Eric Dishman(below), we are introduced to the “Care Anywhere” movement. This reinforces our “Avoid Brick and Mortar” strategy for managing health care cost while increasing quality outcomes. Eric’s piece deserves a careful reading. ORIGINAL SOURCE “In the currently raging debates about healthcare, there’s little attention to population […]

Why Pick Up A Crying Baby?

Rocking Chair Project doctor during home visit. Mike Magee For the past decade, we’ve supported a 501C3 non-profit called the Rocking Chair Project. The effort has partnered with Family Medicine residents around the country who were able to identify economically disadvantaged moms about to give birth, and were willing to do a home visit within […]

Home-Cooking: Gender-Neutral and Too Important To Outsource.

Mike Magee Home may be “where the heart is”, but few would argue that it is currently “where the health is”. In America, we abhor homelessness, but we have historically been unusually tolerant of “healthlessness”. Many of us worked on the concept of “Medical Home” only to find it fall far short in its’ implementation. […]

Competitor Analysis: The Future of Primary Care

Mike Magee Most would now agree that we are approaching a fundamental disconnect in two health delivery trend lines. They are: 1) the growing need and demand for services fueled by our aging population and 2) a growing shortage of primary care health professionals. Where opinions diverge is how to address this growing problem in […]

Health Care Cost: Let Logic Dictate.

Mike Magee Now that the Accountable Care Act is moving forward, there is increasing discussion around controlling health care cost. Massachusetts, which is a few years ahead of us all in this debate, just reached a compromise on cost control, settling on a fixed rate of inflation which effectively caps total tax supported expenditure. Many […]

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