
Exploring Human Potential

What is the history behind Trump’s “Racehorse Theory?”

Note: Randy Souders and Mike Magee served together on the Board of Jean Kennedy Smith’s Kennedy Center Arts and Disability Program,Very Special Arts (VSA) from 2002 to 2007. Randy Souders, Guest Editorial Professional Artist /Arts & Disability Advocate / Quadriplegic (since 1972) When I was injured at the age of 17 the world was still quite […]

Jimmy Kimmel (Practically) Says It Out Loud: “Trump is mentally ill.”

Jimmy Kimmel and Donald Trump don’t get along. A back and forth about the viability of Trump’s Truth Social site has been the stuff of legends. But Sunday night, the 96th Academy of Awards host might as well have informed his worldwide audience:  “Donald Trump is mentally ill. Say it out loud!” As the Awards […]

A Speech For The Ages – 83 Christmases Ago.

Mike Magee On the evening of December 29, 1940, with election to his 3rd term as President secured, FDR delivered these words as part of his sixteenth “Fireside Chat”: “There can be no appeasement with ruthlessness…No man can tame a tiger into a kitten by stroking it.” Millions of Americans, and millions of Britains were […]

The Danger of Stroking a Tiger – Learning From Churchill and FDR

Mike Magee On the evening of December 29, 1940, with election to his 3rd term as President secured, FDR delivered these words as part of his sixteenth “Fireside Chat”: “There can be no appeasement with ruthlessness…No man can tame a tiger into a kitten by stroking it.” Millions of Americans, and millions of Britains were […]

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