
Exploring Human Potential

Father Greed: Vanishing Ventilators and Free Enterprise Public Health.

Mike Magee If you wanted to sum up President Trump’s two key messages this week, they would be: 1) A lot of people are going to die, and 2) Thank God for free enterprise public health. On both counts, he is on thin ground. Numbers of deaths could far exceed the 240,000 he apparently now […]

Why We Must Vote on November 6, 2018.

Mike Magee The Commonwealth Fund’s David Blumenthal calls recent anti-ACA moves by Trump “a bleak example of American exceptionalism – no other nation fails people who are ill so spectacularly as we do.” What has him so riled up is twofold: 1) the erosion of private health insurance with Trump’s executive order with HHS follow […]

A Faustian Bargain Comes Home to Roost – Already!

Valerie Huber Mike Magee “The Department of Health and Human Services is shaping up to be a huge headache for the radical Left”, crowed the Family Research Council in a June 12, 2017 release. Commenting specifically on the appointment of controversial nominee  Valerie Huber, formerly head of the National Abstinence Education Association, as chief of […]

Canada vs. U.S. Health Care: National Governance Reform – HHS, FDA, NIH, CDC.

Mike Magee As we have seen, America’s health care system – disintegrated, opaque and heavily conflicted – didn’t just happen. It is the result of thousands of conscious decisions over nearly a century. Choices made have tipped the scale toward intervention, technology, and medicalization at every turn. Peggy Noonan suggested this week that Paul Ryan’s […]

AMA & AAMC Embrace of Anti-Immigrant Tom Price/Donald Trump May Be Costly.

Kaparaboyna Ashok Kumar, M.D. Mike Magee When the AMA and AAMC made the decision to announce their “strong support” for Tom Price to head HHS, they were fully aware of his support for armour piercing bullets, for not regulating tobacco as a drug, against mental health care parity, against SCHIP, for privatizing Medicare, against the […]

Contrasting the AAMC Endorsement of Tom Price with Jordan Cohen’s Support of Humanism and Professionalism.

Mike Magee The decision by the AAMC to aggressively endorse Tom Price’s candidacy for HHS Secretary has confused and concerned more than a few of my academic colleagues. In light of the organization’s work on reinforcing social consciousness and empathy in medical students, it struck a remarkably discordant note. In 2002, I approached the AAMC […]

Emory’s Center for Ethics, Tom Price, and AMA &AAMC 990’s: An Imagined Senior Seminar Class

Mike Magee The recent endorsements by the AMA and AAMC of Tom Price to head HHS should provide a remarkable future senior seminar in situational ethics for Emory’s Center for Ethics and their much lauded “Health, Science & Ethics Pillar”. The case study’s syllabus will most likely include the recent AMA endorsement, the AAMC press […]

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