
Exploring Human Potential

Letting Academic Physicians Off The Hook.

Mike Magee In 2004, when I read Dr. Marcia Angell’s book, “The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us And What To Do About It”, I agreed with everything she wrote. How couldn’t I? At the time, I had a front row seat inside the largest pharmaceutical company in the world and managed a substantial […]

NEJM Critique of US Medical Research – 1966 vs. 2016. A Deeply Conflicted System.

Henry K. Beecher,MGH Mike Magee “Assessing the Gold Standard – Lessons from the History of RCTs” , in last week’s NEJM, provided useful historical perspective, but was intentional selective and treaded lightly on the darker side of America’s medical-industrial complex, and its conflicted role in human medical experimentation. The most significant determinant that defined the direction of […]

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