
Exploring Human Potential

The Simplification Movement in American Healthcare

CDC Obesity Map Mike Magee As the debate over health care in America rages on, the great lie oft repeated but never defended is that our system is exceptional and too complex to wrestle to the ground. That is the breech, reinforced over half a century that has left our citizens and now our entire […]

Is Tenet Healthcare Your Collection Agency?

Mike Magee When America’s politicians and business leaders elected to promote a free-enterprise approach to health delivery services in the immediate post-WWII period, they were choosing a course diametrically opposed to not only our Allies, but also our enemies at the time. We rejected serious health care planning. Instead we chose to directly and indirectly […]

Canada vs. U.S. Health Care: Common Wealth

Mike Magee Republicans this week demonstrated with clarity that further tinkering with our broken health care system will almost certainly add cost and undermine quality and coverage. To begin to define a way back home, we need to initially focus on two fundamental challenges. Problem 1: Defining a National Health Care Vision There is an […]

Resetting Our Biases: Entering A New Stage of “Health Enlightenment”

Mike Magee This week, the Washington Post published a lengthy piece focused on Medicare Part D, its history, and how it might be improved.(1) The suggestions – ranging from mining data to requiring diagnostic codes on prescriptions – zeroed in on “better prescribing”. What they missed completely was a simpler strategy with arguably greater benefit […]

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