
Exploring Human Potential

The Simplification Movement in American Healthcare

CDC Obesity Map Mike Magee As the debate over health care in America rages on, the great lie oft repeated but never defended is that our system is exceptional and too complex to wrestle to the ground. That is the breech, reinforced over half a century that has left our citizens and now our entire […]

AMA Claims Of Right To Lead Largely Ignored

Mike Magee In a September 6, 2012 article in the New England Journal of Medicine written by leaders from the Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion at the University of Pennsylvania and Wharton titled “What Business Are We In? The Emergence of Health As The Business of Health Care.”, the authors write: “….whereas doctors […]

Cliff Hanging: The Future of Norquist, Rubio, and Medical Science Leadership.

Mike Magee As we have seen over the past few days, there are pledges and there are pledges. It appears that Republican leaders’ allegiance to their country (in the face of the impending fiscal cliff) is winning out over their allegiance to Grover Norquist. But the problem is bigger than money or tax policy. And […]

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