
Exploring Human Potential

Good News on Childhood Obesity – and “Good Government.”

Mike Magee As the debate over health reform wages on, it is increasingly apparent that the real underlying issue we are grappling with is the role of “good government.” Without it, as one philosopher suggested nearly four centuries ago, life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” Canada had relatively smooth sailing from the time […]

Geographic Health Disparity for Abortion Access.

How Sick Is My County?

New Interactive Maps: Check Mortality Rate in Your County Here.

The Presidential Debate: Race, Class, and Health

Mike Magee With the selection of Paul Ryan by Governor Romney, pundits are predicting a real ideologic battle come November. The choice we’ll be debating will likely be about what kind of America we want, and will certainly deal with race, class and health. What will be the quality of the debate? Hopefully, well-informed. Let’s […]

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