
Exploring Human Potential

Giving Up The Ghost: Republican State Legislators Begin To Acquiesce to Medicaid Expansion.

Mike Magee In a recent analysis of the U.S. and Canadian health care systems, two things were clear. First, Canada Health Care was planned, and our’s just happened. And second, both nations favored regional over federal delivery systems. In the U.S., that meant a strong bias toward state management, while in Canada the provinces and […]

Is “Amazing Grace” Mediated Through The Placebo Neurobiologic Effect?

Source: Chronicle Mike Magee This week, Ted Kaptchuk and Franklin Miller published a seminal article in the New England Journal of Medicine titled, “Placebo Effects in Medicine”. I believe it will be remembered for many years, not for its scientific insights, which are considerable, but for its’ theologic, sociologic, and historical revelations, buried deep […]

Eric Dishman Says “Health Care Should Be A Team Sport”: TED Talk

LINK TO TED TALK When Eric Dishman was in college, doctors told him he had 2 to 3 years to live. That was a long time ago. One rectified diagnosis and a transplant later, Dishman puts his personal experience and his expertise as a leading medical tech specialist together to suggest some bold ideas for […]

Artist Randy Souders – One of the 47% – Clear Eyed and In His Own Words.

Randy Sounders After writing this week about “The New RomneyCare – Reinforcing The Status Quo”, I heard from a number of people whose lives would be impacted by a Romney election. One of them was Randy Souders, the artist and a C3/C4 tetraplegic since his accident at age 18 in 1972. Randy and I served for […]

Health Care Reform – A Reasonable Risk: Building On 75 Years Of Progress

Mike Magee With the Presidential Election just around the corner in the U.S., jobs and the economy are the #1 issue on most voters lists – but healthcare is right behind because healthcare is a huge job creator and has a huge impact on national and individual economies. Of course the big debate in healthcare […]

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