
Exploring Human Potential

What’s the best specialty for a medical student who wants to be a progressive politician?

Mike Magee If you are a medical student and aspire to be a progressive political leader as well, what might be the best specialty tract to pursue? You could chose pediatrics as Ralph Northam did, and receive your training in the military, retiring at age 33 as a major and then become a pediatric neurologist […]

“Medical-Industrial Complex” Feels The Summer Heat

Mike Magee It’s been quite a week for the “Medical-Industrial Complex”. This interwoven series of governmental, non-profit, academic and corporate relationships rivals the countries “Military-Industrial Complex” in its relentless consumption of America’s human treasures and financial capital, its’ non-transparency, its’ capacity to resist reform in an orderly and responsible manner, and its’ wide range of […]

What My Friend, Eli Ginsberg, Had To Say About “Special Generalists”.

Eli Ginzberg Mike Magee Recently I’ve been reflecting on the need for “special generalists”, people who possess unique skills and attributes, but also the wisdom and insight to place that knowledge within the context of history, philosophy, anthropology, and sociology. These types of leaders not only know what needs to be done, but also why […]

Message To AAFP 2014 “Winter Cluster”: Connectivity + Mobility = Reach.

Mike Magee The American Academy of Family Physicians convenes its’ “Winter Cluster” today. This is a 3 day opportunity for Family Medicine oriented student and resident representatives from Family Medicine chapters around the U.S. to meet and dialogue with Academy officers and Board members. The intent: To chart the future of Family Medicine. The AAFP […]

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