
Exploring Human Potential

The Way Men Ought To Behave – According to TikToc.

Mike Magee The juxtapositioning of Tuesday’s New York Times headlines was disturbing. The first “Why Does This Bride Look So Mad?”, was followed by “An ‘Unsettling’ Drop in Life Expectancy in Men.”  The “reluctant bride” referred to in the first article is (by now) an estimated 175 years old if the intended bride was 18 […]

Global Burden of Disease: 2012 Study Update – Where are we?

Mike Magee I was recently conversing with a group of public health students on the state of affairs throughout the world when the conversation wandered into the area of “Global Burden of Disease”. To my surprise, the level of knowledge and understanding of the term – its origins, purpose and intent – was highly variable. […]

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